We were ecstatic to finally get a girl from our best producing dam that had given us 3 boys in a row. We thought that if this girl turns out anything like her full older brother, we are already beyond thankful. Super strong and sturdy at birth. Shiny silky fleece. We kept her in full fleece to show and covid happened. She showed at Nationals in Nebraska and received a 6th place in the Full Fleece Suri Light Female Yearling Never Shorn. We were not discouraged, with her genetics we suspected she will be a fantastic producer. She has proven this very true. Her first cria is on our show string and her next one looks like it may be one of the top on the ranch.
We bred her to Sierra Bonita's Max because her mother had produced such a stunner with that pairing before. She had a nice bright female. We expect her to keep developing nicely and registered her to show this fall.
Kingsley was next bred to Kalino by Max and absolutely wow'd us with a big male this season. We are hopeful he is destined for herdsire. Beautifully built guy, up and nursing in record time and loaded with fleece. Just gorgeous under 2 months old!
Kingsley is an excellent mother. We couldn't be more pleased. If light suri's were our objective, she would certainly not be listed for sale. She belongs in someone's foundation herd.